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  • Writer's pictureGenesse Miles

Brainstorm Blog #2

For this project I want to make something that transports you to different places using sound. One of my favorite youtube videos is one that uses 3d sound to tell a story and make you feel like you are actually there. I think it would be cool to go between these worlds and make a quiet and calm one and then make a chaotic one and then make a scary one and ext. I want it to be immersive and I tried to record sounds that I thought would help me but I also want to mess with the distortion because its kind of like blending modes for art except I don't understand them. I know alot of people are going to listen to the sounds and blend them how they fit but I want to make something wacky. That is always my goal to make the art as wacky and surreal as possible and I want the listener to be like WHAT am I listening to. But in a way that is concise and you can actually figure it out but it is still a little strange. I think the calm one should have some crickets and wind and stuff like that and I plan to place it inbetween scary ones. I want the last one to cut off and have an empty dial tone play like the person didn't hang up but the call dropped or they dropped the phone. It will not be easy with the limited library of sounds.

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