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  • Writer's pictureGenesse Miles

Project #2 Artist Statement

For this project I really wanted to make it sound like you were traveling through all of these weird different dimensions through a telephone. I made the beeps on accident by

messing with all the filters and the speed and it made a noise that reminded me of a telephone ringing. So each time the telephone rings you are transported to a different world and its meant to be someone hanging up and then picking up the phone again and again and possibly telling the story going between something more calm or creepy and then building in intensity. I think this would be cool to install on a payphone or some unused telephone for random people to pick up and it would loop through different world with a wider variety of what the world are. I struggled too create different worlds because the sounds were so similar. I wish that when we made the soundboard that there was a little bit of coordination between us to make sure that all the sounds are original. It was a challenge to make new sounds from the same set of samples. I learned alot about sound balance as well, I underestimated how loud things are and I felt like I needed a guide on how to make sure the things I am making are at a good sound level, I had no idea how to do that. I think I liked the overall end result but I wish there were more of a storyline to it.

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