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  • Writer's pictureGenesse Miles

Project 3: Brainstorm Blog

I have been thinking about what to do for this project since I came to the first show last semester. I really want to do something that stands out as an optical illusion. I think the best place for it to go would be either in the main area by the fire pole holes in the floor or in the cabinets. For the one in the floor I think it would be cool to make some sort of lllusion that makes it look like a black hole or something similar that people could fall into. The first problem might be if there are alot of people or if that space is too bright we might not be able to see anything on the floor or that the floor would just point blank be a bad place to project only because of the texture and opacity of the glass on the floor. For the box idea I think I would like to have a bunch of mirrors and project not only on to one side of the wall but have the mirrors reflect them so it looks like there are projections everywhere on the inside. I am more liking this idea than the last one but I am still worried that in the back not many people will be able to see it back there hidden away. I think I should be able to figure it out as I go. The medium gave me the idea to base my project off of change, so everything will have some sort of symbolic element.

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