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  • Writer's pictureGenesse Miles

Project 4 Final Artist Statement

This project was really fun to make. I was kind of out of creative juices with taking this class along with my studio art class, but doing something not so serious and just fun for the sake of it was nice. It was originally much more complicated than this with 4 characters that would decide most of how the game played out, but that turned out too complicated. I have always loved the webventures on the internet and my dad especially loved the text based adventure games so I grew up playing alot of those. This made me want to try something similar, where you have hp and stats and different choices effect the storylines, but this was also alot of fun. I was very sleep deprived and it was like 3am when I was doing the outline and I personally think it made all of the outcomes even better. I like that one simple decision could have you end up in vastly different ending, I do however wish I could have added more and made this be a little more in depth. I think with the choices I also could have made it a little more obvious what you could click, some of the geese and what the individual choices were more clearly. I wanted them to blend in with the background and be part of the image but I think that made the choices unclear. If i were to do it again I might add arrows or text boxes next to the choices or even just a flashing outline around the choices.

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