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  • Writer's pictureGenesse Miles

Reading Blog #3

As a person who used to be a computer science major and has experience in HTML and coding, this is so interesting to me. This is like the punk rock zine version of the internet, where has this been all my life? I think my favorite one is the one that leaks your IP address, imagine the statement that would make now. The amount of information sharing that happens on the internet is insane and people think they are way more safe than they are. I

remember a game that blew up a few years ago that went into your desktop files to find your name and scared a shit ton of people by calling them by their name in game. This, to this day has the chance to make an incredible impact. People would hate it, people would be scared out of their minds if there was something that they interacted with that displayed all of their personal information to them on screen. If it were something that people thought was safe and unassuming, that was fun and engaging and then you get to the end and boom. Your IP address, your full legal name, ext. What an impact that would make, it would spread like wildfire on the internet and it wouldn't even matter because people would finally be realizing that there are ways that your information can be spread and distributed on the internet. These need to come back into popularity because I really think they have the potential to piss all kinds of people off and I love it. This also reminds me about how upset people are about AI art just because it's scary and they don't understand it.

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